Saturday, May 16, 2009

Swimming cap- check!

Ladies Club

In great Tay Tay fashion, you have to wear a swimming cap at the ladies club pool. I finally bought one today, and let me say, I'm excited to debut it. And though I do not think it the most hydrodynamic, it was the cutest amongst the boring solid caps of blue and black, although they did have one that would have made me look like a rainbow snow cone, but I was like, no too gay. And now my golden locks will be protected from the harsh green chlorine. Plus it leaves my head smelling latex fresh, which is weird in most situations, but to me, it smells like mama.

Professional Synchronized Swimmer

I also had to buy non cotton shorts to cover my very exposed legs at the WOMEN's ONLY pool. What the h y'all. It's bad enough I have to hide my six pack, now I gotta cover up the gams too. So my shorts are purple, my suit is purple, and my fabulous cap is purple. Tell me if I start to look a little too Grimace.


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