Monday, March 16, 2009

Draw 5 WHAT!?

I don't even know what I am supposed to say to my 4 year olds, but who approved this worksheet? Or should I say workshit!

The kids called it a snake, Miss Anita called it a worm, I called it a tadpole, but consensus agrees it's jizz.

You should see how the kids drew it! It's practically porn/biology. Maybe I'll be able to take some pics by the end of the week. Keep your fingers on your hairy palms crossed.

PS notice how it is even next to a sock?? I'm surprised they didn't have the kids draw 8 bottles of Jergens and 6 JC Penny Catalogs.


  1. lol this is great

  2. Hahahahahaha.
    Great choice on the JC Penny catalogs. You know me too well.
