Last night I was supposed to go to the Ladies' gym for a swim with 2 of my friends and colleagues here, but unfortunately a sandstorm came up and we had to cancel on a count of that it was impossible to get to the gym without developing the black lung. I mean in all fairness, I wasn't that amped on swimming in a full body suit anyway. That's right, you have to wear a bathing suit that covers your knees and elbows in a
women only gym. Gotta love the Middies!
With that said, here is some poor quality photographic evidence:

What the day after looks like. That's not fog. It's sand and it tastes like it.

This car was washed yesterday. I could already write some obsenities or a beg for a bath in its dust already.

My uninviting handrail. Good thing I've got the balance of a ... ballerina... I don't know whatever. I don't/won't use it.
If only wet kneecaps were so taboo here in the states....