I've had a hard day at work, the kids were rowdy, Ms. Jenny's an idiot, my breaks were shortened, so of course I came home to vedge out and enjoy the start of my week

end on the couch. So as I'm lying down, surfing the old interweb I had an itch under my bra, like on my sternum, then I noticed there was actually something down there. Under my shirts, on my skin was a sticker. Like how does a sticker get in there!? A Fulla sticker to be exact too. Fulla is the Middle East's version of Barbie! Isn't she pretty all covered and fair?? All the girls in class are always like "Miss, me Fulla!" and I'd be like, "No, I'm Fulla" and of course that winds them up. But anyway, I took a picture me and my sticker, and as I am doing so, I noticed that I have the hairclips Ghina put in my dishevled hair. So I've got stickers on my inappropriates and messy hair with girly clips, I couldn't be more of a teacher. Earlier today I was covered with about 20 stickers, so I am actually surprised I'm not pooping stickers.

PS what is the deal with my nose? It looks schnozzy, right?!
I have this picture in my head of Ms. Woodward!