Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Taken right outside my apartment on my way to work:

Um, Arroyo Grande called! They want their chickens back.

Other versions for this same joke include:
Who does Ruwais think it is?! Arroyo Grande?!
The Ruwais Housing Compound. More like The Arroyo Grande Village!

Also I'm positive that there's a bad joke there about a chicken crossing the road or something, but I can't be bothered right now to think of it, plus my kids used up all my funny at school.

1 comment:

  1. Dana, I love this blog so much. I just added you to my reader, so I won't miss any of your updates. I've finally gotten serious about Life is Such an Adventure. That brings me to my next point. is available and i think you should buy it. Or i'll buy it for you if you promise to use it.
    I read all of your posts, but this one was the funniest.
