So here I am, in the Middle East, on a Thursday, thousands of miles away from home, reading about my friends' complaints of holiday traffic and their plans to see their family, with a belly pleasantly full from dill fish and pasta, with Native Americans and pilgrims in a dim corner of my mind, and actually, I am thankful (ahaa).
Here, in no specific order, is a comprehensive list of things I am thankful for:
Technology! With out it, I would not be able to talk to my parents or email my friends or even update this retarded blog!

This opportunity to be here in the Middle East! It's cool that I can just trollop around with little kids, travel, and get paid!

My family! For the love, support, and awesomeness!

My friends from home! Ashley Judd's mom and uglier sister once said, I mean sang, love will build a bridge, between your heart and mine. Yeah that's how I feel.

My friends from school! They were my 4 years and I miss (some of) them (most) everyday.

Crumbothy Danger! Although I wish he was here with me sleeping in my bed, waking me up at night with his snoring and adjustments, I am thankful that he is hanging out with my parents and taking care of them.

Baby Christian! Even though right now he is worthless and a baby, I am thankful for his radness, his health, and for making my sister a mom.

America! Still the best place on earf.

God! He is good!

To those who didn't make the list, sorry; for those who did, be thankful.This opportunity to be here in the Middle East! It's cool that I can just trollop around with little kids, travel, and get paid!

My family! For the love, support, and awesomeness!

My friends from home! Ashley Judd's mom and uglier sister once said, I mean sang, love will build a bridge, between your heart and mine. Yeah that's how I feel.

My friends from school! They were my 4 years and I miss (some of) them (most) everyday.

Crumbothy Danger! Although I wish he was here with me sleeping in my bed, waking me up at night with his snoring and adjustments, I am thankful that he is hanging out with my parents and taking care of them.

Baby Christian! Even though right now he is worthless and a baby, I am thankful for his radness, his health, and for making my sister a mom.

America! Still the best place on earf.
God! He is good!

Hope all of you had a good Thanksgiving. And remember, don't call it Turkey Day, because it's lame, and you sound retarded.
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