Thursday, June 04, 2009


As you know I like nicknames. Most of the time, these truncated forms come to me with ease.

Names I can take credit for:
Shasha for Shasha
CP for Balls
Reikman for Amie
Graceford for Grace
Jimmy for James (joint effort with the help of Reikman)
Jerimias/Germ for Jeremy
Rubinslut for Hayley (it came to me in the shower)
Skanky Henke for Brandon

Names I use but cannot take credit for:
Luscious for Laura (thank you Boner and Total Douche Bag)
Matt Ralph Naked Bush Breaker/Mr. Chocolate
Evi for Evan (that was all Mortimer)
Mortimer/Mortimus for Shannon

Anyway, I have been doing the same for my kids. And although my kids laugh at them, they do not necessarily understand why they are hilarious. Even my helper doesn't know why I think some of them are so funny. So now, obviously every kid wants their own, but they all have weird names and nicknames that usually flow like liquid silver are backed up like well.... I'm not going to mention any names, but I will tell you they needed to use a suppository in my parents bathroom. Will you help me and be my suppository?!

My class list complete with current nicknames:
Hessa: Baby Hessa, Madame Hessa, Hessa Baby (then I start singing "Santa Baby")
Ariha: Diarreha (not to her face of course... but man I don't like this twirp)
Mutia: smart, beautiful, just started wearing her vail, Indonesian
Waad: dick Waad (never have I called her it, but it would definitely work)
Pradita: Pradita, Pradita (sang like "Maria Maria" (you remind me of the Westside Story...)
Rahaf: a twin, really bad teeth, Emirati
Zayed Zeail: Z Bag, ZZ Tot
Zayed Al Hosani: very short, does not like to be called small, Emirati
Danis: cannot understand what he says because he mumbles, has a missing thumb nail, Indonesian
Merssal: Everyone's Favorite, Merssal
Abdul Rahman: Uncle Fester, has a LOTS of hair that flys get trapped in (Venus Fly Trap maybe), Emirati
Nitish: Nitish The Dish
Masud: Masud The Dude, Madoodle the Noodle
Asad: Asad The Bod
Mugesh: Debbie (he has a pink girl backpack that has "Debbie" a Barbie-like character on it)
Bryan: smart, rambunctious, white teeth, Philipino
Tariq: can't say green or blue, instead leeb and lube, curly hair, cute
Jacob: black, cries, smells like farts often, laughs like Eddie Murphy
Ghina: Ghina, Ghina Pumpkin Eater
Sevina: Sevina Morales (apparently a big singer in the Philipines, thanks to Irene, I and now you know this)
Eman: yaman (an Irish way of saying dude, the girl version would of course be yawon, but really is that an of course. And seriously, the Irish use it like it is nobody's business)
Nekesha: Nekesha, Nekesha (again, sang like "Pradita, Pradita"
Alreem: beautiful, kiss butt, Emirati
Weam: beautiful hair, ham for the camera, Emirati

The ones in bold do not have solid names, therefore I have provide enough distinguishing characteristics so you will be able to properly help me out.



  1. What happened to ZZ Tot?

  2. You're so right Reikman.

    Updated and fixed!

    PS See you in 19 days and a wake up!

  3. Tariq the freak. Or Tariq a peak (if he's a pervert).

    Stank-ob, or Jacob-The-Fartulator

    more to come...

  4. Abdul Rahman: Top Rahman
    Alreem: Alreem Urassol
    Weam: Weam Captain, Weamless Transition, Wet Weam, We-I-Am
    Bryan: What kind of name is that? He should have a nick name as predictable as his real name—like Bry-Dawg, B-Ry, or Bryan Ralph.
