So May 11th, as you may* already know, is my birthday, and normally on and around that day I do all of my favorite things in celebration of my favorite person. This year, however, I was not that amped for it as much as I have been in the past. I did not have any concrete plans, plus I was away from those who have experienced past Danapaloozas. So I intended to celebrate slightly with my class, which is not allowed (it's not the Sabis way), go out to dinner at the only non-fast food restaurant in Ruwais housing complex with my friends, and in bed hopefully by 9:30. Instead, I got to celebrate mildly with my kids, have a Surpriseopalooza/Spaceopalooza, and was not in bed until 3. It was very very much appreciated.
Here's the photographic evidence that at least more than one person (being myself) loves me in the Middies.

Playing with clay instead of doing worksheets: Hessa, Mutia, Waad

"Party" hats made of paper plates.

Having a little difficulty.

I promise Rahaf is cuter than she looks in this picture. Pradita is about that cute in reality though.

Eman, being cute.

After I told them to get back in their seats. This is not Eman's seat. Look at that creep face AR making!

Don't be fooled, this boy is the world's cutest, most affectionate, sweetest asshole, and I love him.

Nitish the Dish.

Self indulging in a little self portrait fest.

You take one with a favorite, then every mediocre kid wants one.

Waad and I, though a very messed with setting.

Playing with their "maracas" made from paper plates during music.

Getting to color with their party hats on!

Hessa's end result.

My reaction! I'm keeping that NASA turned DANA sign for the rest of my life!

Couldn't me happier!
The treasures in my piƱata and it's craftswoman slash hostess of the bash, who spent a solid 2 weeks on the AMAZING decorations.

Qaisya from KG1E (Jasmine's class) got me some very nice Arabic perfume.

Uh oh! I think home has got some competition in the cake making dept. Victorian sponge rocket cake, ready for take off!

Ruwais, we have a problem.

Crisis averted. (Too many astro-references?? Not possible)
LOVE LOVE LOVE the pics! Thanks!!