Saturday, April 25, 2009

More censorship

Today while watching Rachel Ray, don't judge, I live in the desert, and there are only so many English channels, and there was nothing on, and plus they had given a make-over to a mother who had had a mullet since she was 7, and like what do I have to justify why I was watching that hoarse trick anyway.... deep breath. Okay. So while I was watching Rachel Ray, she was making these breakfast biscuits that had egg, cheese, and bacon in them. They looked decent at best, but that isn't the point. When she was mixing all of the ingredients together, she was like "you can use turkey bacon or @*$% bacon." Now take a wild guess which four-lettered word the UAE bleeped out. Pork. I kid you not, they bleeped out the word pork. Well either that, or she was talking about fuck bacon.

So it's haram to hear the word pork, but you can pork up to 4 women as long as you're married to them. Yeah that makes sense.


  1. I enjoy watching rachel ray. I sliced my thumb open trying to cut onions like her...

  2. it could also be shit bacon or cock bacon (delicacies in some countries I am sure).

  3. I am literally LOLing.

  4. mmm... fuck bacon

  5. P.S. I just read through all your entries for the first time and i miss your clever-ness in person

  6. You are SOOO funny!
    Pork is gonna be my new word to replace, "shoot" and "crud"
